Adding an External Referenced Model to the Simulation Process Flow

You can use the Reference component to add an external referenced model to the model’s simulation process flow.

For information on using the Reference component, see Reference Component in the Isight Component Guide.

Before you begin: The model must be published to the local library or to the partner library (see Publishing a Model or Submodel).
  1. From the Design Gateway, add a Reference component to the model at the point in the simulation process flow where you want the referenced model analyzed.
  2. Double-click the Reference component to open the Reference Component Editor.
    1. From the Reference Component Editor, click Choose Model.
    2. Expand the Isight Library or Remote Partner links on the left side of the editor.
    3. Select the model from the list, and click Select Model.
    4. If desired, view the reference model information.
    5. If desired, click Advanced and determine when the published model will load:

      • Just once before the model runs.
      • Just once when this reference first runs.
      • Every time this reference runs.

    6. Click OK to close the Reference Component Editor.

      If you defined an external referenced model, Isight updates the simulation process flow to show the model. A dotted line appears from the Reference component to the underlying reference model. Federated referenced models do not appear in the model’s simulation process flow.

  3. If desired, save the model.