Saving a Model in the Design Gateway

In the Design Gateway, you can save models to the local disk using Save or Save As from the File menu. Alternatively, you can click the button on the Design Gateway to save the model.

  1. From the Design Gateway’s File menu, do one of the following:
    • If you have already assigned a name to the model and do not want to change it, select Save from the File menu.

    • If you have not assigned a name to the model or if you want to change the name of the model, do the following:

      1. From the File menu, select Save As.
      2. In the File name text box, enter a name (or new name) for the model.
        Important: Do not use the following characters in the model name: #, ?, &, %, !, \, $, {, }

    Isight saves the model in a zipped model file (*.zmf).
  2. If desired, continue working with the model.