From the Design Gateway,
open a model.
Right-click the segment of the simulation process flow for which you
want to edit the conditions, and select Edit Condition.
The Sim-flow Conditions dialog box appears.
Click Conditionally execute, and click the
The Sim-Flow Condition Expression dialog box
Edit the conditional expression by doing any of the following:
You can cut and paste all or part of an expression by right-clicking
on selected text and selecting cut, copy, or paste from the menu that
You can also select text and use the typical keyboard shortcuts, such
as Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V.
You can add comments to the expression by starting the line with the
# or // characters.
You can add and remove comment characters from a line by right-clicking
on the line and selecting Toggle # (or
//) comment. Alternatively, you can add and remove comment
characters from multiple lines by selecting the lines and entering Ctrl
+ Shift+# (or Ctrl + /).
You can remove the contents of the Conditional
Expression text box by clicking Clear.
Click OK to save the conditional expression and
to close the Sim-flow Condition Expression Editor.