Creating a Co-Simulation Process Flow

You can create parallel co-simulation process flows for components that must run at the same time because they communicate with each other during execution. You must create the parallel process flow and then place the components into a co-simulation group.

A co-simulation process is a group of components at the same level of the model hierarchy that are to be executed at the same time. You can use this feature for special components that coordinate their simulation activities, often for the purposes of concurrent simulation of multiple physical domains (called multiphysics simulations) or simulations of systems. Components in a co-simulation group must be written to be aware of the co-simulation environment and to communicate with other components in the group. Co-simulation groups are not useful for components that do not communicate with each other as they execute.

Before you begin: Co-simulation groups are supported only when running Isight on the SIMULIA Execution Engine with the LSF DRM feature enabled. See “Distributed Resource Management with or without LSF” in the SIMULIA Execution Engine Installation and Configuration Guide for details.
See Also
About Co-Simulation Groups
  1. From the Design Gateway, select the model that you want to configure.
  2. Create a parallel simulation flow for your components, as described in Creating a Parallel Simulation Process Flow.
  3. Define the co-simulation group in the properties of one component, then add each of the remaining components to the group individually.
    1. Select the first co-simulation component either on the Sim-flow tab or in the model explorer, and open the Properties dialog box in one of the following ways:

      • From the View menu, select Component / Properties.
      • Click the Component Properties button in the component title bar.
      • Right-click the component, and select Properties.

    2. On the Affinities tab, select <New...> from the Co-simulation Group list and enter a name for the group.
    3. For each of the other components in the group, open the Properties dialog box and select the same group name in the Co-simulation Group list.

      Each component in the co-simulation group is highlighted with a rounded dashed box.

  4. Alternatively, you can define the co-simulation group and add all the components to it in one step:
    1. Select all of the components by dragging the mouse cursor around them or by CTRL+clicking each one.
    2. Right-click any of the components, and select Group / Cosimulation / <New...>.
    3. Enter a name for group, and click OK.