Creating Folders

You can create folders in the Isight library to provide both shared and private spaces for tool and application development in Isight.

  1. From the View menu, select Library or click the Library button on the Design Gateway toolbar.

    The Isight Library appears.

  2. Select the folder under which you want to create the new folder, or select Library to create a new top-level folder, and click the button.

    Tip: You can also right-click a folder, and select Create Folder.

    Some items that appear in the library directory are not folders. If you select one of these items, the button is not available and no menu appears.

    Note: If you are connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine, you must have at least MODIFY permission on the selected parent folder (or on the top-level Library folder, if selected) to create a new folder beneath it.

    The Create Folders dialog box appears.

  3. In the Create Folders dialog box, you can choose to create a single new folder or nested folders.
    • To create a single folder, enter the name of the new folder, and click OK.

    • To create nested folders, enter a series of folder names separated by *.* (e.g., Analysis.Test.Results), and click OK.

    Each folder in the series is created: the first named folder under the selected parent, and each successive named folder under the one preceding it, as shown in the figure below.

  4. If desired, edit the permissions. If you are connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine, you automatically have the default permission of ALTER for the new folder. All other users have READ permission. To edit the permissions, see Setting Permissions on Objects in the Isight Library.