From the Sampling Options screen or the Error
Analysis Sampling Options screen, select the number of points
for the approximation:
Specify a number of points in the sample points
text box. This number must be at or above the minimum required number
of points specified in the text message above the entry box.
Specify a time limit (in seconds, minutes, or hours) using the As
many points as possible in option. Isight
will keep executing to find points for the specified time duration.
If less than the minimum required number
of points is executed, Isight
will continue executing sampling points until the requirement is met.
Select Use a fixed random seed to specify a seed
value to use for the random number generator when determining the set
of sample points to be executed. This option allows you to reproduce
the approximation with the same set of points later, if desired.
Select Execute design points in parallel if you
want to execute your initialization points in parallel. You can use this
option only if you are using a multiple CPU system or if you are connected
to a SIMULIA Execution Engine.
Click Next.
If you are using Random Points as the sampling method, the Sampling
Range screen appears. If you are using Random Points as the
error analysis, the Approximation Improvement
screen appears.
If you are using Random Points as the sampling method, you can configure
how you want to define the sampling region:
Absolute Values. This option defines the region
by using absolute bounds for each inputs parameter. You need to specify
the Lower and Upper values
for each parameter in the corresponding columns.
Relative to Baseline. This option defines the
region by applying relative move limits to the baseline values in both
directions. You need to specify the baseline, move limit percentage,
and minimum move limit for each parameter in the corresponding columns.