Setting Approximation Graph Preferences

You can configure certain graph preferences such as default input/output displays, default graph resolution for three-dimensional/two-dimensional graphs, default graph dimensions, and three-dimensional graph default settings. Changing these preferences automatically changes the settings the next time you open the Approximation Viewer. You can select any component that has an approximation to set preferences.

Important: If you are selecting a component that is in a Task Plan, you must select the component using the model explorer.

  1. Select the component whose approximation you want to visualize.
    • From the Design Gateway,

      • Select a component on the Sim-flow tab or in the model explorer, and click the Approximations button on the component title bar.
      • Right-click the component on the Sim-flow tab or in the model explorer, and select Approximations.

      The Approximations dialog box appears.

      1. In the Activated column, select the approximation that you want to visualize.
      2. Click Visualize.

        The Approximation Viewer dialog box appears.

        Tip: You can also access this interface from the Approximation Wizard after initialization by clicking Visualize. For more information, see Initializing Approximations and Viewing the Data.

    • From the Runtime Gateway,

      1. Select a component on the Sim-flow tab or in the model explorer.
      2. Click the Visual Design tab, and select the approximation from the list next to the component title bar.
      3. Click the Visualization subtab.

        The Approximations dialog box appears.

  2. From the Approximations Viewer or the Visualization subtab, verify that you are viewing the graphs in thumbnail format. If you are viewing a full-size version of a graph, double-click the graph or click the button to return to the thumbnail format.
  3. Click the button on the right side of the Graphs tab.

    The Global Preferences dialog box appears.

  4. Change the following preference settings, as desired:
    Default input/output displayUse the Default input/output display list to select if the Slider View tab or Table View tab will be automatically selected when the Approximation Viewer is opened.
    Graph resolution (2D) Set the Graph resolution (2D) options. The default for the full-size (Large) two-dimensional graph resolution is 50. Similarly, you can change the thumbnail image (Small) resolution.

    Important: Increasing the resolution may slow down performance.

    Graph resolution (3D) Set the Graph resolution (3D) options. The default for the full-size (Large) three-dimensional graph resolution is 16. Similarly, you can change the thumbnail image (Small) resolution.

    Important: Increasing the resolution may slow down performance.

    3D graph default settings Use the 3D graph default settings to choose the mesh surface and/or contours as well as the contour levels.
  5. Click OK to save your changes and to return to the Approximations Viewer.