Configuring the Data File DOE Matrix Sampling Method

You can create an approximation using the Data File technique.

  1. From the Sampling Options screen or the Error Analysis Sampling Options screen, select Data File from the Technique list.
  2. Enter the File that you want to use with the technique. You can click Browse to specify the file that contains the values you want to use.

    The file must contain a column of values for each factor (or a row if the Data is transposed option is selected), with columns separated by a tab, space, or comma. Use a header row to identify the parameters that correspond to the columns. You must enclose names or values with spaces in quotation marks.

    Note: A file parameter is added to the component to represent this file, allowing you to map in a new file at run time.

  3. Click Use header row if your data file has a header row containing the factor names. Specify which row contains the names of your factors by entering its corresponding number. If you do not select this option, you must explicitly specify which column each factor is associated with on the Factors tab.
  4. Enter the row number on which your data begins in the Data starts on row text box. If you are using a header row, the specified row number must be greater than the header row number.
  5. In the Format list, select Levels or Values to specify whether the file contains level numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.) or actual parameter values. If you select Levels, additional factor attributes are available to define how to calculate values from the levels.
  6. Click Store in model if you want the current file’s contents stored in the model for use when the component executes. If this option is not selected, the component attempts to access the specified file on the computer on which it executes.
  7. Click Advanced Options, and set the following options, as desired:

    • Click File contains responses if you do not want the DOE component to actually execute an Isight subflow for each design point but to instead read the response values for each design point from a specified file. The first row of the file must contain the parameter names and each subsequent row must contain the values for the parameters for that design point. This feature is useful when you have a complete data set (input and output values) already compiled and want to use DOE as a postprocessing tool.
    • Click Data is transposed if you want to use a data file in which each row represents a set of values for the parameter whose name is the first item in that row (the file is transposed from the standard format in which each column represents a parameter and its values). A transposed data file must have the parameter name as the first item in the row (enclosed in quotation marks if spaces exist), and each row must have the same number of values in it.

  8. Select Execute design points in parallel if you want to execute all the design points defined by the design matrix for execution simultaneously.
    You can use this option only if you are using a multiple CPU system or if you are connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine.
  9. Click Next.
    The DOE Factor Attributes screen appears.
  10. If desired, change any of the values for the factor. The values that are available will depend on the technique you selected.
    # Levels The number of levels at which you want to study the factors. A change to this attribute automatically readjusts the levels for this factor.
    Levels A space-separated list of the levels at which to study the factor. The related attributes are updated once you click in a different cell.
    Lower/Upper The lower/upper levels for the factor. A change to one of these attributes automatically calculates new levels evenly distributed between the lower and upper values.
    Relation Specifies whether the levels are interpreted as values or as %/difference (diff) from a specified baseline.
    Baseline The value used for converting levels into values when the relation is % or diff.
    Column If you specified to not use a header row to find factors in the file, you must provide the column number for each factor.
  11. Click Update factor baselines to current values when executing if you want the baseline values updated to the current parameter values before executing.
    If Isight previously modified a parameter, this option allows for automatic updating of the baseline of all factors to the current parameter values in Isight, prior to executing the DOE technique, which will readjust the values to be studied appropriately. By default, this option is not selected and the user-defined settings are retained. This option is useful if the DOE technique is executed after another element of the simulation process flow that might change the parameter values (e.g., after an Optimization component), so that the DOE study can be performed around the new design point.
  12. Click Next.

    The DOE Design Matrix screen appears. This screen displays the design matrix generated for the specified technique and the factors selected and attributes specified.

  13. Click in the Show list to select how you want the design matrix displayed.
    Values The actual values to be set at execution.
    Levels The level number as generated by the technique algorithm.
  14. Perform any of the following actions to manipulate the design matrix:
    Deactivate a single design point To deactivate a design point so that it is not executed (the icon appears), click any row number. You can also click the button at the top of the design matrix, or right-click the design matrix and select Skip selected design point(s).
    Deactivate all design points To deactivate all design points in the design matrix, highlight all the design points and click the button. You can also right-click the design matrix and select Skip all design points.

    Note: Deactivating design points is useful when it is known that a specific set of values in the design matrix represents a design that cannot be evaluated for whatever reason.

    Activate a design point To activate a design point that has been set to be skipped, click the icon that represents the design point. The row number reappears. You can also click the button at the top of the design matrix, or right-click the design point and select Activate selected design point(s).
    Activate all design points To activate all the design points in the design matrix, highlight all the design points and click the button. You can also right-click the design matrix and select Activate all design points.
    Add user-defined points to the matrix To add any design point to the design matrix, enter a value for each factor into the empty last row in the table. Typically, the selected DOE technique generates a matrix based on the options and factors selected, but you can add any design points to the matrix. The DOE component will fail to execute if any user-defined point does not have a value for all factors (the cells with missing values for user-defined points are highlighted in pink).
    Paste user-defined points from the clipboard. To add a set of points that are already defined in a file, you can copy and paste them directly into the design matrix as new user-defined by right-clicking and selecting Paste new user-defined points. Pasting new user-defined points will always append the points to the matrix (regardless of whatever cell was selected). If factor names are found in the first row of the copied data, Isight uses those names to identify the appropriate columns of data; otherwise; values are pasted in the same order as they exist in the pasted content. You must confirm that the values pasted are appropriate for the factors in those columns.
    Remove user-defined points from the matrix. To remove any user-defined points from the matrix, clear the values from all cells in that row or right-click and select Remove selected user-defined point(s) or Remove all user-defined points.
    Copy the design matrix To copy the design matrix to the clipboard so that it can be pasted elsewhere (e.g., in a text file), click the Copy button above the design matrix or right-click the design matrix and select Copy design matrix.
    Save the design matrix To save the design matrix to a file, click the Save button above the design matrix or right-click the design matrix and select Save.