Adjusting Input and Output Values

You can use the Slider View or the Table View to modify the input values, which, in turn, changes the resulting output values and graphs.

Important: If you are selecting a component that is in a Task Plan, you must select the component using the model explorer.

See Also
Approximation Graph Display and Control
  1. Select the component whose approximation you want to visualize.
    • From the Design Gateway, do one of the following:

      • Select a component on the Sim-flow tab or in the model explorer, and click the Approximations button on the component title bar.
      • Right-click the component on the Sim-flow tab or in the model explorer, and select Approximations.

      The Approximations dialog box appears.

      1. In the Activated column, select the approximation that you want to visualize.
      2. Click Visualize.

        The Approximation Viewer dialog box appears.

        Tip: You can also access this interface from the Approximation Wizard after initialization by clicking Visualize. For more information, see Initializing Approximations and Viewing the Data.

    • From the Runtime Gateway,

      1. Select a component on the Sim-flow tab or in the model explorer.
      2. Click the Visual Design tab, and select the approximation from the list next to the component title bar.
      3. Click the Visualization subtab.

  2. Select how you want to adjust the input values:
    • Select the Slider View if you want to modify the input values by moving the input sliders to the left or to the right. The output value bars change based on the input values. Slider View is recommended for users who want to observe how the graph changes over a range of input values.

    • Select the Table View if you want to look at the graph created from specific input/output combinations. In addition, you can enter different specific input points quickly and observe the resulting behavior. You can also sort the table rows and easily find the largest and smallest output parameters for a given design point.

  3. Adjust the input values:
    • In Table View, do the following:
      1. In the Value column of the Inputs table, change any input value by entering a new value. The output values automatically change accordingly. You cannot edit the values in the Name, Min, and Max columns.
      2. If desired, sort the columns. You can sort the data by clicking any of the column headings. For example, clicking the Value column heading sorts the data based on the value data. An arrow appears in the heading that you clicked. Clicking the arrow allows you to switch the sorting type between increasing and decreasing order.
    • In Slider View, do one of the following:
      • In the Inputs area, move the slider for the corresponding input. The value changes in the text box directly above the slider.

      • In the Inputs area, edit the input value directly in the text box that corresponds to the desired input. You can only change the input based on the lower/upper limits defined in the approximation.

        Observe how the output values on the value bars change. The actual values of the output parameters are displayed next to their names. When you change an input value, the selected point on the graph corresponding to the value (highlighted blue point in 2D Graphs) also changes.

  4. Select Modify Range to set a value outside of the defined range.
  5. If desired, click Set component parameters to transfer the updated parameter values to their corresponding parameters in the Isight component for which the approximation was created.

    The Set Parameters dialog box appears, informing you that the component parameter (input) values have been updated.

    1. Click OK.
    2. If desired, you can verify that the values for the component that the approximation represents have been modified on the Design Gateway Parameters tab (see Using Parameters).

  6. If desired, click Compare with actual to see how the approximate design compares with the actual design.

    Isight can take the current set of input values and run the exact analysis that the approximation represents. This allows you to see a comparison of output values to check for accuracy.

    After executing the actual analysis, the Approximate vs. Actual dialog box appears.

    1. View the data, and verify the accuracy of the output values.
    2. If desired, sort the data by clicking either the Approximate or Actual column headers.
    3. Click Ok to close the Approximate vs. Actual dialog box.
  7. If desired, click Reset Range to reset the input values and the input range to their original values.
  8. If you are working in the Design Gateway, click OK to close the Approximation Viewer and to return to the Approximations dialog box.