Exporting a Graph

You can export a graph to another application or copy a graph or its data to the clipboard to be used in another application.

Important: If you are selecting a component that is in a Task Plan, you must select the component using the model explorer.

  1. Select the component whose approximation you want to visualize.
    • From the Design Gateway,

      • Select a component on the Sim-flow tab or in the model explorer, and click the Approximations button on the component title bar.
      • Right-click the component on the Sim-flow tab or in the model explorer, and select Approximations.

      The Approximations dialog box appears.

      1. In the Activated column, select the approximation that you want to visualize.
      2. Click Visualize.

        The Approximation Viewer dialog box appears.

        Tip: You can also access this interface from the Approximation Wizard after initialization by clicking Visualize. For more information, see Initializing Approximations and Viewing the Data.

    • From the Runtime Gateway,

      1. Select a component on the Sim-flow tab or in the model explorer.
      2. Click the Visual Design tab, and select the approximation from the list next to the component title bar.
      3. Click the Visualization subtab.

  2. From the Approximation Viewer or the Visual Design tab, select a graph and then select or double-click the graph to enlarge it.
  3. Right-click the image, and select one of the following:
    Export > Export to Image Select Export > Export to Image to export the graph to an image file (*.jpeg, *.jpg, *.png). Isight prompts you to select the file to which you want the graph exported.
    Export > Export to Text File Select Export > Export to Text File to export the graph data file to a text file (*.txt). Isight prompts you to select the text file to which you want the graph data to be exported.
    Export > Export to Excel Select Export > Export to Excel to export the graph image and data to an Excel file on Windows operating systems only.
    Copy > Copy Image Select Copy > Copy Image to copy the graph image to the system clipboard. Once copied, you can paste the graph in another document or imaging software by right-clicking and selecting Paste.
    Copy > Copy Data Select Copy > Copy Data to copy the data in the graph to the system clipboard. Once copied, you can paste the data in another software application by right-clicking and selecting Paste.
  4. If you are working in the Design Gateway, click OK to close the Approximation Viewer and to return to the Approximations dialog box.