About Problem Formulations

A problem formulation typically consists of one or more objectives (i.e., values that you want certain parameters to be driven to or parameters that you want minimized/maximized) and bounds (i.e., lower/upper limits on the value that a parameter is allowed to have) that are used to drive process component parameters to a design that best solves the specified problem.

You can define a problem formulation using the Formulation tab either before or after you select and configure the component parameters. When you execute a model containing a problem formulation, the Runtime Gateway uses the problem formulation to grade the runs to show which run best solved the problem formulation and which run violated the bounds defined in the problem formulation (see Understanding Run Grading).

You can configure scalar parameters, arrays, array elements, and aggregate members to define a problem formulation. For more information about arrays, see About Defining Arrays in Problem Formulations.

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