Federation (B2B) Commands

The commands in this section are used to control SIMULIA Execution Engine Federation (B2B) options.

The following commands are available:

Allows you to add a new partner profile. Use the following sub-arguments to specify the partner and partner options.
name:<display_name>Specify the name of partner to be added.
connect:<url>Specify an updated connection URL.
callback:<url>Specify an updated callback URL.
type:<apache>Specify an updated SOAP style of partner.
Use when setting up Run-As and library ACLs. For more information on how to use addusermap, refer to the SIMULIA Execution Engine Federation (B2B) Guide.
Deletes the specified partner profile. Use one of the following sub-arguments to specify the partner.
id:<partner_id>Specify the ID of the profile to be deleted.
name:<display_name>Specify the name of the partner to be deleted.
Use when setting up Run-As and library ACLs. For more information on how to use it, refer to the SIMULIA Execution Engine Federation (B2B) Guide.
Displays a list of partner profiles.
Allows you to modify an existing partner profile. Use the following sub-arguments to specify the partner and the type of update.
id:<partner_id>Specify the ID of the profile to be updated.
name:<display_name>Specify the name of the partner to be updated.
connect:<url>Specify an updated connection URL.
callback:<url>Specify an updated callback URL.
type:<apache>Specify an updated SOAP style of partner.