Publishing Commands

These arguments are used to work with objects in the library, including publishing objects, unpublishing (removing objects), and retrieving existing objects.

This page discusses:

See Also
Publishing Objects to the Isight Library

The following arguments are available:


Allows you to find library objects. Use the following sub-arguments to specify the object information:

name:<object_name> All or part of the name of the object for which to look. If only part of the name is specified, every object in the library where this string occurs anywhere in the name will be listed.
type:<model|metamodel|jar|library|program|data|any> The type of object. The default is any .
ver:<version_num|any> The version number of the object. The default is any .
attr:<name,op,value>... A list of name-operator-value pairs. The operator can be any of the usual SQL operators including: =, !=, <, <=, >, >=, and like . Some example queries include:
  • attr:description,like,Random
  • attr:authorid,=,fred
  • attr:mmtype,=,datatype
  • attr:ptn,=,'Datex Tool'

The following find command sub-arguments can be used only when connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine :

partner:<partner_name> The name of a B2B partner for a remote library.
partnerid:<partner_id> The identification number of the partner for a remote library.


Allows you to get a library object and save it as a file. Use the following sub-arguments to specify the file information:

name:<object_name> The fully qualified library name.
ver:<version_num> The version number of the object. The default is latest .
file:<file_name> The name of the file to be written.


Provides detailed information about a specified object in the library.

name:<object_name> The fully qualified library name.
ver:<version_num> The version number of the object. The default is any .


Allows you to publish a file to the library. Use the following sub-arguments to specify the file information:

name:<object_name> The fully qualified library name. For example, com.myorg.mymodel . The name argument is required except when publishing metamodels.
type:<model|metamodel|jar|library|program|data> The file type. The type argument is required. The model option is used to publish Isight models (* .zmf extension). The metamodel option is used to publish components, plug-ins, data types or units (*.jar files).
file:<file_name> The name of the file to publish. This argument is required. A file with the extension .pub contains one or more commands for publishing files. If such a file is given to the publish command, all other options are ignored and only the commands in the file are used. This is used to publish patches.
auth:<author_name> The name of the publisher.
desc:<description> A free-form description of the file.
attr:<name,val> attr:<name,val> ... A list of name-operator-value pairs to associate with the file in the library. Some examples include:
  • attr:ptn,'Datex Tool'
  • attr:filename,foo.dll
ref:<name,version> Indicates that the specified object references the named object.
version:<version_number> Version number to assign to the object in the library. The default setting is “1.0.”


Allows you to publish all components to the library.

dir:<directory> optional) Publish all files in the given directory. If this option is omitted, all SIMULIA components are published from the Isight install directory.


Allows you to fetch a library object from the SIMULIA Execution Engine library and republish it to a local library. This command is applicable only for SIMULIA Execution Engine clients.

name:<object_name> The fully qualified library name.
version:<version_num> (Optional) Version number. The default is latest version.


Allows you to remove a published file from the library. Use the following sub-arguments to specify the file information:

name:<object_name> The fully qualified library name.
type:<model|metamodel> The file type. The default is any .
ver:<version_num> The version number of the file. The default is any .
attr:<name,op,value> ... A list of name-operator-value pairs.