Miscellaneous Commands

Some miscellaneous arguments are provided to help you interact with Isight. For example, you can compare two models, close the command line client, and view a list of all the available commands.

This page discusses:

The following commands are available:


Displays the version, creation date, and creation time of the current Isight installation. If connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine, the version of the software running on the SIMULIA Execution Engine is also displayed.


Starts the interactive command mode or reads commands from a file. This mode allows you to use all Command Line Client arguments without the fipercmd prefix, and eliminates having to log on to the SIMULIA Execution Engine with each command execution. In effect, you “log on to” the Command Line Client and the SIMULIA Execution Engine, and can directly execute all available arguments. When you use the interactive command mode, your default prompt changes to the > prompt.

You can exit the interactive mode using the quit command.

script:<script_file>Takes commands from the specified script file instead of from the console.
prompt:<prefixString|none>Changes the prompt. The prompt:none option is useful when running scripts.
echo:yDisplays each command as it is executed. This is useful for debugging script files.


Displays summary information for the model. The information includes the number of components, parameters (including type), and files (including type).

file:<filename> Displays summary information for the model in a file.
name:<modelname> [version:<versionname>]Displays summary information for the model in the library.


Compares two models and provides a list of the differences found between them, including components, parameters, and properties that have been changed, added, or removed. The two models to be compared can either come from a file stored on disk or from a model published to the Isight library.

file1:<file>Full file path to the first model in the comparison if it is stored on disk.
file2:<file>Full file path to the second model in the comparison if it is stored on disk.
name1:<library_location>Full library path to the first model in the comparison if it is stored in the Isight library.
name2:<library_location>Full library path to the second model in the comparison if is stored in the Isight library.
version1:<version>If applicable, library version of the first model in the comparison.
version2:<version>If applicable, library version of the second model in the comparison.
output:<file>Full path to the file to which to write the output. This argument is optional; the default is to print the output to the screen.
type:<model>Specifies the type of the items being compared. This argument is optional; the default and only supported type is model.

The following is an example of comparing files on the local disk and sending the output to a file:

diff file1:c:\AirplaneSizingDOE.zmf file2:c:\AirplaneSizingDOEv2.zmf

The following is an example of comparing files in the Isight library and sending the output to the screen:

diff name1:mymodels.airplane.AirplaneSizingDOE name2:
mymodels.airplane.AirplaneSizingDOE version1:1.0


Echoes the rest of the command line to the terminal. It is useful in command scripts to print progress messages.

mode:<ON|OFF>Specify whether to echo script commands to the terminal.
<msg:’text’>Print message on the terminal.


Closes the Command Line Client (interactive mode). This is the same as the quit command.


Displays a list of all available commands. To get help on a specific command type, help command (where command is the command name).

liclist feature:featurename

Displays a list of license checkouts for a specific feature.


Packs a model for shipment. The model to be packed can be either on disk or in the Isight library.

file:<file>Full path and filename (*.zmf) of the model to be packed. Cannot be used in the same command with the name:<modelname> argument.
name:<modelname> [version:<versionname>]Library publication name (or name-and-version) of the model to be packed. Cannot be used in the same command with the file:<file> argument.
dir:<directory>Directory into which the model is to be packed. Required when the name:<modelname> argument is used; otherwise, defaults to the directory containing the model file.
log:<filename>Name of the file into which any packing issues/problems will be logged. If omitted, any packing issues are echoed to the console.


Closes the Command Line Client (interactive mode).


Displays the current user’s details.