The following commands are available:
script:<script_file> | Takes commands from the specified script file instead of from the console. |
prompt:<prefixString|none> | Changes the prompt. The prompt:none option is useful
when running scripts. |
echo:y | Displays each command as it is executed. This is useful for debugging script files. |
Displays summary information for the model. The information includes the number of components, parameters (including type), and files (including type).
file:<filename> | Displays summary information for the model in a file. |
name:<modelname> [version:<versionname>] | Displays summary information for the model in the library. |
Compares two models and provides a list of the differences found between them, including components, parameters, and properties that have been changed, added, or removed. The two models to be compared can either come from a file stored on disk or from a model published to the Isight library.
file1:<file> | Full file path to the first model in the comparison if it is stored on disk. |
file2:<file> | Full file path to the second model in the comparison if it is stored on disk. |
name1:<library_location> | Full library path to the first model in the comparison if it is stored in the Isight library. |
name2:<library_location> | Full library path to the second model in the comparison if is stored in the Isight library. |
version1:<version> | If applicable, library version of the first model in the comparison. |
version2:<version> | If applicable, library version of the second model in the comparison. |
output:<file> | Full path to the file to which to write the output. This argument is optional; the default is to print the output to the screen. |
type:<model> | Specifies the type of the items being compared. This argument is optional;
the default and only supported type is model . |
The following is an example of comparing files on the local disk and sending the output to a file:
diff file1:c:\AirplaneSizingDOE.zmf file2:c:\AirplaneSizingDOEv2.zmf output:c:\results.txt
The following is an example of comparing files in the Isight library and sending the output to the screen:
diff name1:mymodels.airplane.AirplaneSizingDOE name2: mymodels.airplane.AirplaneSizingDOE version1:1.0 version2:2.0
Echoes the rest of the command line to the terminal. It is useful in command scripts to print progress messages.
mode:<ON|OFF> | Specify whether to echo script commands to the terminal. |
<msg:’text’> | Print message on the terminal. |
Closes the Command Line Client (interactive mode). This is the same
as the quit
Displays a list of all available commands. To get help on a specific
command type, help command
(where command
is the command name).
liclist feature:featurename
Displays a list of license checkouts for a specific feature.
Packs a model for shipment. The model to be packed can be either on disk or in the Isight library.
file:<file> | Full path and filename (*.zmf) of the model to be packed. Cannot be used in the same command with the name:<modelname> argument. |
name:<modelname> [version:<versionname>] | Library publication name (or name-and-version) of the model to be packed. Cannot be used in the same command with the file:<file> argument. |
dir:<directory> | Directory into which the model is to be packed. Required when the name:<modelname> argument is used; otherwise, defaults to the directory containing the model file. |
log:<filename> | Name of the file into which any packing issues/problems will be logged. If omitted, any packing issues are echoed to the console. |
Closes the Command Line Client (interactive mode).
Displays the current user’s details.