The following commands are available:
name:<library_name> |
Specify the publication path and the name of a published object only
when getting object or object-version permissions. Use this sub-argument by itself
when getting the per-object permissions of the named object. Use it with the
version sub-argument when getting per-version permissions of the named object.
version:<version_num> |
Specify the version number of a published object only when getting
object or object-version permissions. Use this sub-argument with the name
sub-argument when getting per-version permissions of the named object.
folder:<folder_path> |
Specify the name of, and path to, a library folder only when getting
folder permissions. Use this sub-argument when getting permissions of the named
folder. You may get the library “root” permissions by specifying “.” as the folder
system:<default | override> |
Specify global permissions that are applied to the library as a whole
only when getting system-level permissions. Use the default option to get
permissions that are applied only when no per-item permissions are set. Use the
override option to get permissions that are applied instead of any per-item
permissions that have been set. You must be an administrator for your
SIMULIA Execution Engine
to use this sub-argument.
verbose:<y | n> |
Specify whether the returned permissions when getting permissions
for any target are abbreviated or written out in full as follows: AL (alter), MO
(modify), RE (read), RF (reference), and NO (none).
setcmd:<console | <file_name> [add:append | prepend]> |
Allows you to generate the setacl command that would set the same
permissions as are retrieved by this getacl command when getting permissions
for any target. You can edit this command to create another command that sets
different permissions or sets permissions on a different target. The generated
command is either echoed to the command-line (the console option) or
appended to the named file . If the add sub-argument is also given, it is copied into
the generated command. For more information on the add option, see setacl command.
Allows you to set the access control list
(permission information) in the library, for a
published object, for a folder, or for the library as a whole. You must have at least
ALTER permission
on the specified item to assign permissions to the item, and you
must be an administrator
for your
SIMULIA Execution Engine to assign permissions
for the library as a whole. Use the following sub-arguments to specify the item and to
format the results (some sub-arguments are mutually exclusive):
name:<library_name> |
Specify the publication path and the name of a published object only
when getting object or object-version permissions. Use this sub-argument by itself
when setting the per-object permissions of the named object. Use it with the
version sub-argument when setting per-version permissions of the named object.
version:<version_num> |
Specify the version number of a published object only when getting
object or object-version permissions. Use this sub-argument with the name
sub-argument when setting per-version permissions of the name object.
folder:<folder_path> |
Specify the name of, and path to, a library folder only when getting
folder permissions. Use this sub-argument when setting permissions of the name
folder. You can get the library “root” permissions by specifying “.” as the folder
system:<default | override> |
Set global permissions that are applied to the library as a whole only
when setting system-level permissions. Use the default option to set
permissions that are applied only when no per-item permissions are set. Use the
override option to set permissions that are applied instead of any per-item
permissions that have been set. You must be an administrator for your
SIMULIA Execution Engine
to use this sub-argument.
add:<append | prepend> |
Add new permissions to the target’s current access control list (ACL)
when setting permissions for any target. Access control lists are order-dependent.
Permission assignments placed toward the start of the list override permission
assignments placed at the end of the list. Use the append option to insert the
permissions at the end of the list. Use the prepend option to insert permissions
toward the start of the list. If this sub-argument is omitted, the given access control
list replaces the target’s current access control list.
acl:<TERM,...,TERM> |
Specify the access control list (permission information) for a
specified item in the library when setting permissions for any target. Each TERM is
made up of a NAME , PERMISSION , and CATEGORY as follows:
Allows you to get the list of members of an Isight
library permissions group. Permissions assigned to a group are implicitly assigned to all of the group’s members.
The members of a group are the names of Isight users or the names of other groups.
You must be an administrator
for your SIMULIA Execution Engine to use this
command. Use the following sub-arguments to retrieve information about groups
defined in your Isight
name:>groups | group_name< |
Specify the name of the Isight library permissions group. Use the
groups option to get the list of names of all groups defined for your library
instead of the list of members for any specific group .
description:>no | yes< |
Retrieve the text of the description given for the named group, if one
has been given. If the setcmd sub-argument is also given, a sub-option to set the
description is included in the generated command. This sub-option is ignored if
name:groups is given.
verbose:<no | yes> |
Specify whether the returned member list is abbreviated or written
out in full as follows: U (User) or G (Group).
setcmd:<console | <file_name> [ add:no | yes]> |
Allows you to generate the setgroup command that sets the same group
members as are retrieved by this getgroup command. You can edit this
command to create another command that sets different members or sets members
for a different group. The generated command is either echoed to the
command-line (the console option) or appended to the named file . If the add
sub-argument is also given, it is copied into the generated command. For more
information on the add option, see the setgroup command.
Allows you to set the list of members of an Isight library permissions group.
Permissions assigned to a group are implicitly assigned to all of the group’s members.
The members of a group are the names of Isight users or the names of other groups.
You must be an administrator
for your SIMULIA Execution Engine to use this
command. Use the following sub-arguments to alter information about groups defined
in your Isight library:
name:<group_name> |
Specify the name of the Isight library permissions group.
description:<text> |
Allows you to set the description for the named group. If this sub-argument is
omitted, the group’s current description is not changed.
add:<no | yes> |
Specify whether the members are appended or replaced when adding
members to the existing member list. Use add:yes to add the given members to the
group’s current member list. Use add:no (or omit this sub-argument) to replace the
group’s current member list with the given member list. You cannot use the add:y
option and the delete:y option in the same command.
delete:<no | yes> |
Specify whether or not a group is removed. Use yes to remove the
given members from the group’s current member list. If you use yes and give no
member list, the named group is entirely deleted. Use no (or omit this
sub-argument) to replace the group’s current member list with the given member
list. You cannot use the delete:y option and the add:y option in the same
members:<empty | MEMBER [ ; … ; MEMBER]> |
Specify member lists for the named group. Each MEMBER is made
up a NAME and CATEGORY as follows:
Allows you to get the access control list
(permission information) for a specified job in
the results database. Use the following sub-arguments to specify the file information:
job:<job_ID_number> |
Specify the job number, not the job name. |
verbose:<y | n> |
Specify whether the returned access control list (ACL) information is abbreviated or
written out in full as follows: AL (alter), MO (modify), RE (read), RF (reference),
NO (none), U (User), and G (Group).
Allows you to set the access control list
(permission information) for a specified job in
the results database. Use the following sub-arguments to specify the permission
acl:<TERM,...,TERM> |
Specify the access control list (permission information) for a specified object in the
library. Each TERM is made up of a NAME, PERMISSION, and CATEGORY as
job:<job_ID_number> |
The job number , not the job name. For example, to set READ permission for a job
for a user named fiperacs , type the following command:
setjobacl job:8580808080808080A781 acl:fiperacs,RE,U,*,NO,U .
The first set of acl commands (fiperacs , RE , and U ) represent the specified
user (in this example, fiperacs ). The last set of access control list (ACL) commands (* , NO , and
U ) represent all other users.
For more information on these permission settings and their meanings, see
Setting Permissions on Objects in the Isight Library.
Allows you to publish a file to the SIMULIA Execution Engine library. The following sub-arguments are available:
acl:<permission_name ... permission_name> |
A list of permissions to set for this object as follows: ALTER , MODIFY , READ ,
REFERENCE , and NONE . You cannot use permission abbreviations with this
This command always sets the
common access control list for all published
versions. To set the access control list for a specific version, use the setacl command.
name:<object_name> |
The fully qualified library name . For example, com.myorg.mymodel . This
sub-argument is required except when publishing metamodels.
type:<model | metamodel | jar | library | program | data> |
The file type. This argument is required. The model option is used to publish
models (.zmf extension). The metamodel option is used to publish
components , plug-ins , data types , or units (.jar files).
file:<file_name> |
The name of the file to publish. This argument is required.
A file with the extension
.pub contains one or more commands for
publishing files. If such a file is given to the publish command, all other options
are ignored and only the commands in the file are used. This file type is used to
publish patches.
auth:<author_name> |
The name of the publisher. |
desc:<description> |
A free-form description of the file.
attr:<name,val ...> |
A list of name-operator-value pairs to associate with the file in the library. Some
examples include:
ref:<name> |
Indicates that the specified object references the named object. |
version:<version_number> |
Version number to assign to the object in the library. The default setting is “1.0”