Some sample commands using these job matching criteria arguments include:
For more information on the arguments that use these job matching criteria
arguments, see Execution and Job Commands.
job:<job_ID_number> ...
Allows you to specify one or more jobs using their ID numbers.
Specifies all jobs that are done.
Specifies all jobs that are initializing.
Specifies all jobs that are in the queued state.
Specifies all jobs that are paused.
Specifies all jobs that are running.
Specifies all jobs that are starting.
Specifies all jobs that are stopping.
userid:<userID> userid:<userID> ...
Specifies jobs owned by one or more userĀ IDs. This option does not
work using a local library (in standalone mode) or when connected to
a SIMULIA Execution Engine
where security is deactivated. If you did not need to log in with a user
ID and password, the userID
option does not work.