The Isight library can contain multiple versions of the same object (e.g., model, component, etc.). For example, when you publish an object and there is already an object of the same type with that name, Isight assigns a unique version number to the new object, unless you manually enter the version number. When you retrieve an object from the Isight library, Isight fetches the most recent version of the object, unless you specified an earlier version. Note:
You cannot change the version of metamodel items (e.g.,
components, data types, units, plug-ins, and visual tools). For more
information about metamodels, see Organization within the Isight Library.
Publishing models to the Isight library is essential when connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine WebTop. The WebTop allows access to Isight models with minimal software configuration. Models must be published before they can be accessed by users through the WebTop. For more information on using the SIMULIA Execution Engine WebTop, refer to the SIMULIA Execution Engine WebTop Guide. |