From the Design Gateway
Tools menu, select SDK Generator.
The Isight SDK Generator appears.
From the Isight SDK Generator File menu, select
New and select Plug-in.
The Select a Plug-in Category dialog box appears.
Select Approximation Technique, and click OK.
The Isight SDK Generator appears showing the
Approximation Technique options.
Select Name on the left side of the Isight
SDK Generator, and do the following:
In the Full Name text box, enter the path to
the new plug-in in the Isight
library. You can also click Library to browse
the Isight
library and select the location of the new plug-in.
In the Display Name text box, enter a name that
will appear in the Approximation Wizard.
In the Version text box, enter the version number
of the plug-in.
In the Description (Short)
text box, enter a short description for the plug-in.
In the (Full) area, enter any content that describes
the plug-in using HTML tags to format the text. This HTML formatted text
is displayed on the Approximation Wizard when
the new plug-in is selected.
Click Technique Options on the left side of the
Isight SDK Generator, and configure the appropriate
options as follows:
Select Use default sampling options and functions provided
by the approximation framework. This option must be selected
when you create an external executable approximation plug-in.
Select New to create new technique options. You can use the
arrows to change the order of the options.
The default timeout for execution of external executable is 60 seconds, and it cannot be changed by the user of the plug-in, unless the plug-in developer configures it explicitly.
To allow the plug-in user to change the timeout, you must create a technique option of type Integer, having name External Executable Timeout (seconds).
You can also specify a default value for the technique option. A negative or zero value implies that there will be no timeout for execution of the external executable.
Select Java Wrapper on the left of the Isight
SDK Generator.
Select Call external executable directly without a Java wrapper.
Click Add Program to JAR.
Verify that the full name of your new plug-in is correct.
In the Program text box, enter the location of
the executable program created previously. You can click Browse
to navigate to the file.
From the OS Platform list, select the operating
system where you compiled the executable program.
Click Add to JAR file.
The Isight SDK Generator adds the executable
program to your JAR file plug-in.
The external executable program is published immediately
even though the new plug-in may not have been created or published to
the library yet.
If desired, save the plug-in as a JAR file in a local directory on disk:
From the Isight SDK Generator File
menu, select Save.
Browse to the desired location, enter a name for the JAR file, and click
Publish your new plug-in directly to the Isight
library by doing the following:
From the Isight SDK Generator File
menu, select Publish.
The Publish dialog box appears.
Verify that the information is correct.
In the Version text box, enter the version of
the plug-in, if needed.
Click Publish.
The Isight
SDK Generator creates a JAR file for the plug-in and publishes it to
the Isight
library without saving it to the disk.