You can specify the embedded help for the extension, including the help
file itself and the type of help it uses (HTML-based help, Javahelp,
etc.). This help file can then be accessed when the extension is used
in Isight.
Click the Resources tab on the right side of
the Isight Developer Perspective.
If necessary, click the Help label to expand
the area and display the available options.
Specify the type of help you are including from the drop-down list.
The following options are available:
Option | Description |
HTML | Allows you to specify a single HTML file
that contains all of the extension’s help information. Most word processors
allow you to save a document in this format. |
Zipped HTML | Allows you to specify a zip file
containing all the required HTML and supporting image files. This type
of file is used with most SIMULIA-supplied components. |
Java | Allows you to specify a help system built
using Java’s help package. To create this type of help file, you will
need to use a help authoring tool, such as RoboHelp, WebWorks, Doc-To-Help,
etc. |
SIMULIA | Allows you to specify a help file provided
with Isight (for example, the Design Gateway online help). |
to specify the file.
The Open dialog box appears.
Locate the file you want to add, and click Open.
You return to the Resources tab. The new file
appears in the text box in the Help area.
to save your changes to the extension.