Opening a Workspace and Creating a Project

The project you create in Eclipse for developing your Isight application must be configured to use the JRE installed with Isight to ensure compatibility.

  1. Launch Eclipse.

    The Workspace Launcher dialog box appears.

  2. In the Workspace text box, enter the path where you want your workspace to reside. You can also click Browse to navigate to the location.
  3. Click the Go To Workbench icon on the right side of the interface.
  4. From the Eclipse editor, select File -> New -> Java Project.

    The New Java Project dialog box appears.

  5. In the Project name text box, enter a project name.
  6. In the JRE area, click Configure JREs.

    The Preferences (Filtered) dialog box appears.

  7. Click Add.
    1. From the Add JRE dialog box that appears, verify that Standard VM is selected in the list, and click Next.
    2. Click Directory (next to the JRE home text box), and select the following directory:


    3. In the JRE name text box, enter ISIGHT_JRE.
    4. Click Finish to return to the Preferences (Filtered) dialog box.
  8. In the Installed JREs list, select ISIGHT_JRE and click OK.

    The New Java Project dialog box appears.

  9. In the JRE area, select Use default JRE (currently 'ISIGHT_JRE').
  10. Click Finish.

    Your project appears in the Package Explorer area on the left side of the Eclipse editor.