Creating a User Library for the Isight SDK

You can use Eclipse to create a new library containing the jar files for the Isight SDK and add it to the build path for your project.

Before you begin: Ensure that you have created a java project (see Configuring Eclipse for Isight Application Development).
  1. Launch Eclipse.

    The Eclipse editor appears.

  2. In the Package Explorer area, right click the project and select Build Path -> Configure Build Path.
  3. Click the Libraries tab, and click Add Library.

    The Add Library dialog box appears.

  4. Select User Library, and click Next.
  5. Click User Libraries.

    The Preferences (Filtered) dialog box appears.

  6. Click New.

    The New User Library dialog box appears.

  7. In the User library name text box, enter a name for the library.
  8. Click OK to close the New User Library dialog box.

    The Preferences (Filtered) dialog box appears.

  9. Select the newly created library, and click Add JARS.
  10. Select the following JARs in the <Isight_install_directory>/<operating_system> /docs/java directory:
    • SMAFIPsdk.jar

    • SMAFIPdesktopSDK.jar

    • SMAFIPcommon.jar

    • Resources (add this directory to the user library)

  11. Click OK to close the Preferences (Filtered) dialog box.
  12. Click Finish to close the Add Library dialog box.
  13. Click OK to exit the Properties dialog box and to return to the Eclipse editor.