Plug-in Generator XML Descriptor

The plug-in generator must provide an XML descriptor to define the main characteristics of the plug-in type. This descriptor provides such information as a description and icon for the plug-in generator and specifies the classes that represent the Presenter (Editor) and the Controller (Runtime).

The best way to develop this XML descriptor is to copy the example below, which is from the DOE Technique generator, and to modify the information as needed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- DOE Technique Generator Plugin -->
<MetaModel name="com.engineous.plugin.doe.DOETechGen" version="2024"
<SystemRelease> 2024 </SystemRelease>
<DisplayName>"DOE Technique"</DisplayName>
<Description> Creates a DOE Technique Plugin </Description>
<LongDescription> "Use the following pages to specify the information
required for creating a DOE technique in Fiper."
<Editor type="com.engineous.sdk.generator.plugin.PluginPresenter"> 
<Runtime type="com.engineous.sdk.generator.controllers. 
<PluginTypeName>Plugin Generator</PluginTypeName>