Useful Isight Classes and API Functions

The following classes and specific method calls allow you to interact with the objects that hold all the information about the component. The full API can be found in the Isight javadocs.

This page discusses:


The in-memory object representation of the component at design-time (Dt).

  • thisComponent.getProperty(<property name>); returns a DtVariable (described below).

  • thisComponent.getParameter(<parameter name>); returns a DtVariable (described below).

  • DtVariable[]thisComponent.getParameterList();

  • thisComponent.addParameter(newParam); newParam is a DtVariable (described below).


The in-memory object representation of a Parameter or Property. Typically, you will cast the DtVariable to a specific type (DtScalarVariable, DtArrayVariable, or DtAggregateVariable).

  • DtScalarVariable

    • thisScalar = DtModelManager.createScalarVariable (parameterName, "com.engineous.datatype.Real", Variable.ROLE_PARAMETER, Variable.MODE_INPUT, null);
    • thisScalar.getValueObj().getAsString()

  • DtArrayVariable

    • thisArray.getValueObj(j).getAsString();

  • DtAggregateVariable

    • thisAggr.addChildElement();
    • (DtScalarVariable)thisAggr.getMember(parameterName);