
The following is an example Component runtime class that obtains user credentials for access to an external system.

See Also
Marking an Extension as Privileged

This class would need to be included into a complete Component definition JAR file, published to the SIMULIA Execution Engine library, and marked as “credential-privileged” by the system administrator.

 * Component runtime class that uses credential privileges

@Privileged  // This class requires privileges
public class PrivCredTestRuntime extends AbstractComponent {

  // This field will be set (injected) with a reference to
  // a CredentialService.
  private transient CredentialService serviceRef;

   * Runtime class ctor
  public PrivCredTestRuntime() {
    // Credential service is not available here in the ctor, the
    // serviceRef will be null.

   * Called by the SEE infrastructure at runtime
   * @param runEnv
   * @throws RtException
  public void execute(RuntimeEnv runEnv) throws RtException {

    try {

      if (serviceRef.isPrivilegeGranted()) {
        // This component was marked in the library by the system
        // administrator as having credential privileges
        CredentialData logonCreds = serviceRef.getServerCreds();
        if (logonCreds.isAvailable()) {
          // Server logon credentials are available.
          logonMyExternalSystem(logonCreds.getUserName(), logonCreds.getPw());
          // ... interact with external system ...
        else throw new RtException("Logon credentials are not available.");
      else throw new RtException("This component is not marked as privileged.");
    catch (RtException rte) {
      // Allow runtime exceptions to flow up the call stack
      throw rte;
    catch (Throwable e) {
      // All other exceptions get wrapped in a runtime exception
      throw new RtException(e, "Failed executing my test component.");