Saving Subflow Parameter History

You can save the history of any subflow parameter in a resizable array of a process component. The selected dynamic array used for storing the history is resized at every iteration of the subflow, and a newly added element of the array receives its value from one of the subflow parameters. Saving the subflow parameter history is useful to accumulate a number of files generated in the subflow of one process component and to carry them over to the next process component for additional manipulation (e.g., postprocessing of result files by a special visualization tool).

To store the history of parameters for each selected subflow parameter, Isight creates a “mirror” parameter in the process component and the subflow parameter is mapped to this “mirror” parameter, unless this output mapping already exists for the parameter. The mapping is needed to allow the value of the subflow parameter to be transferred to the process component for storage in the history array. Therefore, each combination of a subflow parameter and a history array is referred to as a mapping or a parameter history mapping.

  1. Open the Prologue / Epilogue dialog box by selecting the desired component and clicking the button on the Component Title Bar.
  2. Click the Subflow Parameter History tab.
  3. In the Subflow Parameter list, select the subflow parameter that you want to store in the resizable array of the process component.

    You can select the following:

    • output scalars,

    • input/output scalars,

    • output 1D arrays, and

    • input/output 1D arrays.

    • output file set.

  4. In the Array Parameter list, select an existing array and click the button to add the new history mapping to the mappings table.

    You can click the button to create a new array for storing the history of the subflow parameter. In the Add Parameter dialog box, edit the Name of the array, if desired. Enter the initial array Size if you know the number of subflow executions the process component will perform. Setting the initial array size improves Isight’s performance because the array will not be resized at every iteration, which can be costly for large arrays. For more information about parameters, see About Parameters in the Isight User’s Guide.

    To delete an existing subflow parameter history mapping, select the mapping and click the button.

  5. Click Store feasible designs only, if desired.

    If you select this option, Isight stores only the feasible design values in the history arrays.

  6. Click Store improved designs only, if desired.

    If you select this option, Isight stores only the improved design values in the history arrays.

  7. Click Close to save your changes and to close the Prologue / Epilogue dialog box.