- Double-click the OS Command component icon
.The OS Command Component Editor appears. -
From the OS Command Component Editor, click the
Basic tab.
From the Type list, click Command.
Click Find Program, and
navigate to the executable that you want to use.
You can also type the name of the executable directly in the first text
box in the Command Line area.
You can use substitutions such as {modeldir }, {homedir },
and {root xx }, at the start of the OS Command command
line to select the executable. For more information about file parameters
and substitutions, see the Isight User’s Guide.
You can type a simple command name, such as nastran ,
if you know the program is already on the path of the Isight
Gateway and/or SIMULIA Execution Engine
station. Otherwise, you must enter the full path to the executable.
Type the remainder of the command line following the program name.
For more information, see About the Command Line Syntax.
Click Distribute Executable to copy the executable file into the model.
creates a file parameter (with the same name as the executable). The
path to the program is replaced with a parameter substitution highlighted
in green. Isight
copies the program into the working directory before the command is run.
To undistribute the executable, clear the Distribute Executable
option. If the program has changed on disk, you can update the copy stored
in the model by clearing and clicking Distribute Executable.
You can use Distribute Executable only for
small programs. Larger programs, and programs that require a network
license, must be pre-installed on the SIMULIA Execution Engine
station. For more information, see About Editing File Parameters on the Design Gateway.
You cannot directly execute Windows built-in commands, such
as DIR or COPY . To run these commands,
use the cmd command and the arguments /C
and copy . For example:cmd /c dir dir1
Click Verify Commands to check the syntax of
the command line.
If there is a syntax error, the OS Command Component Editor
displays an error message describing the problem.
If the command is valid, a Command Line dialog
box appears showing how Isight
will interpret the command line—the command name, where arguments are
split, and any I/O redirection. The values of the substituted parameters
appear, instead of their name.
The Command Preview text box, located near
the top of the tab, displays how the command is issued during run time.
Any error in the command line is also shown in the Command
Preview text box.
In the Parameter list, select a parameter to
use as an argument.
To add an existing parameter, click the Insert
adds the parameter name to the Arguments text
box at the current cursor position and highlights it in green, indicating
that the value will be substituted at run time.
To add a new parameter, type the parameter name in the Parameter
list and click the button. The new parameter will have data type Real,
but you can change the type on the Design Gateway
Parameters tab.
To delete a parameter from the arguments list, click the parameter and
press the Backspace key.
For more information about working with parameters, see About Entering Parameters.
If you are working in a SIMULIA Execution Engine
environment, use the options in the Affinities
area to control which station can execute the component.
You can specify the station name, operating system, DRM Mode, and other
affinity information related to the component. The affinity options are
the same as the affinities on the Component Properties
editor. For more information about component properties, see Configuring the Component Properties.
Click OK to save your changes and to close the
OS Command Component Editor.