Job Name | Specify the name of the LSF job. Refer
to the bsub “-N ” option on the
bsub man page for more information. |
Job Group | Specify the group name. Refer to the
bsub “-g ” option on the bsub
man page for more information. |
Hosts | Specify the hosts that can run this workitem.
Refer to the bsub “-m ” option on
the bsub man page for more information. |
Number of Processors | Specify the number of processors
required to run this workitem. Refer to the bsub “-n ”
option on the bsub man page for more information. |
Resources | Specify the LSF resources used to
dispatch this workitem. Refer to the bsub “-R ”
option on the bsub man page for more information. |
Begin Time | Specify the minimum start time for
this LSF job. Refer to the bsub “-b ”
option on the bsub man page for more information. |
End Time | Specify the maximum termination deadline
for this job. Refer to the bsub “-t ”
option on the bsub man page for more information. |
Additional Bsub Arguments | Specify any additional
arguments to bsub for this workitem, supplied to bsub
exactly as typed here. Refer to the bsub man page for
more information on the additional arguments that are available. |