- Double-click the Approximation component icon
.The Approximation Component Editor appears. -
From the Approximation Component Editor, click
the Technique Options tab.
Select the Fit Type:
Option | Description |
Anisotropic | Select this type if the
independent variables represent different physical measures (e.g., time,
distance, velocity, etc.) or when the independent variables have different
scales. Anisotropic fit
is the general case for ordinary Kriging when every independent variable
behaves differently. |
Isotropic | Select this type if all the independent
variables behave similarly. Isight
handles all values as if they are identical. Typically, the Isotropic
fit is faster than the Anisotropic fit because
searches for only one optimum theta value. |
Select the Correlation Function. The correlation
functions interpolate the data points exactly.
The following options are available:
Option | Description |
Gaussian | You can use the Gaussian
correlation function for approximating smooth functions. However, it
produces a poor fit when sampling points are too close. |
Exponential | If the sample points are close,
use the Exponential correlation function. |
Matern Linear | You can use the Matern
Linear correlation function if the Gaussian
and Matern Cubic correlation functions produced
an unacceptable fit. The Matern Linear correlation
is more robust, but less accurate, than the Matern Cubic
correlation function. |
Matern Cubic | You can use the Matern
Cubic correlation function if the Gaussian
correlation function produced an unacceptable fit. Typically, the Matern
Cubic correlation function is more accurate than the Matern
Linear correlation function. |
Enter the Filter Distance.
Occasionally, when points are clustered together the matrices used in
fitting the Kriging model become ill-conditioned resulting in a poor
fit. You can filter points from the sample based on distance to avoid
a poor fit. All points that are closer than the Filter Distance
are removed from the sample set before fitting. Isight
uses other numerical techniques internally to improve the performance
and robustness of the approximation.
When the number of points is large, Kriging automatically filters out points that are clustered until only 500 points remain even if the Filter Distance value is zero. Isight builds the Kriging model using these 500 points.
Enter the Maximum Iterations to Fit.
uses an iterative procedure to fit a Kriging model with the maximum likelihood
estimate. Isight
limits the maximum number of iterations used to fit a model for each
response based on this value.
Click OK to save your changes and to close the
Approximation Component Editor.