Reading and Specifying Output Parameters

You use the Output tab to read existing output database (.odb) files or a data (.dat) file and to configure the parameters that will be extracted by the Abaqus component when you execute the model.

Note: The output file name displayed in the File text box is configured automatically based on the input file that you selected on the Input tab. If you selected Parse All Odb Files (see Configuring the Execution Options), Isight displays the absolute file path to the output database files that will be read.

  1. Double-click the Abaqus component icon .
    The Abaqus Component Editor appears.
  2. From the Abaqus Component Editor, click the Output tab.

    You use this tab to read the output database (.odb) file or data (.dat) file and select the parameters that will be extracted and used by Isight.

  3. Use the Compute Output Values check box to determine if you want the component to compute the values for the output parameters at design time.

    This computation is made when Read File is selected. Disabling this computation improves component performance for large models only at design time. At run time the values are computed and returned to Isight.

  4. Click Read File to populate the tab with a list of output parameters that can be extracted.
  5. Select the output parameters you want to use by doing one of the following:
    • Choose individual parameters using the check boxes in the first column.

    • Use the Select button as a shortcut for selecting multiple output parameters. When this button is clicked, two options are displayed:

      • Click the All option to select all the listed output parameters.

      • Select multiple output parameters (by drag selecting, for example) and click the Highlighted option to select them as a group.

    Note: You can filter the parameter list using the Filter list and box located below the list of parameters. This option may be useful if your list of parameters is large. You can type a string in the box, and press ENTER. The list of parameters is then updated to show only the parameters that contain the specified string. The component also attempts to create a list of selectable strings by scanning the listed parameters.

  6. If desired, rename any displayed parameter by typing a new name directly in the Name column.

    You can also edit these parameters using the Design Gateway Parameters tab.

  7. Click Use Custom Scripts to use custom Python scripts.

    These scripts allow additional output parameters to be defined or to perform postprocessing steps. For more information on using these scripts, see User Scripts to Customize the Runtime Interaction.

  8. Click Use Python to run a custom script using the Python execution.

    By default, the Use Python option is disabled and unchecked. This option is enabled only after selecting Use Custom Scripts option. Select Use Python to execute the (Custom Script) file using the Python execution. This allows you to avoid using an Abaqus/CAE token to execute But the trade-off is that you will not be able to use Abaqus/CAE APIs in your custom script.

  9. Click OK to save your changes and to close the Abaqus Component Editor.