The following prerequisites apply when using the Reference component
with remote partner models:
Federation capability is provided and governed by the SIMULIA Execution Engine.
Therefore, to take advantage of this capability, both organizations involved
in the collaboration must have the full SIMULIA Execution Engine
environment installed. In addition, the installations must use the same
application server product (e.g., WebSphere-to-WebSphere)
because of the way the communication and transfer of information is performed.
For more information about installing the SIMULIA Execution Engine,
refer to the SIMULIA Execution Engine Installation and Configuration Guide
that matches your installation.
For two SIMULIA Execution Engine-enabled
organizations to collaborate, they must register each other as “partners”
so that the necessary connection protocols can be established. Partner
registration is performed as a SIMULIA Execution Engine
administrator function and can be done at any time. For more information
about defining a SIMULIA Execution Engine
partner, refer to the SIMULIA Execution Engine Federation (B2B) Guide.
For an organization to share a model with another organization, the
organization must publish the model to the SIMULIA
Execution Engine Library. In addition, the organization must
select the Share this model with other SIMULIA Execution Engine
environments option, which specifies the necessary information
to identify the SIMULIA Execution Engine
partner to which to share this model. For more information about publishing
models, see Publishing Objects to the Isight Library in the Isight User’s Guide.