About Calculator Operators

It is important to understand how Isight handles the calculator operators. The calculator operators can perform differently, depending on their order in the expression.

The calculator operators are listed below in order of precedence (highest to lowest):

f(x)function call
^ or **exponentiation
! - +unary logical not, unary minus, unary plus (identity operator)
* / %binary multiplication, division, modulus
+ -binary addition, subtraction
< <= >= >arithmetic or string comparison
== !=equality test, inequality test
&&logical and
||logical or

For example given the high precedence of the exponentiation operator, the following equation:

-3 ^ 2

is interpreted as -(3 ^ 2)

and the result is -9, not 9.

In Isight the exponentiation operator (^) binds tighter than the unary minus operator (-). In addition, exponentiation is right associative; while other operators are left associative. For example:

4 ^ 3 ^ 2 === 4 ^ (3 ^ 2)

4 / 3 / 2 === (4 / 3) / 2

The equal symbol (=) is not an operator. When it is used in the Calculator component, it indicates an assignment statement.