Copying Components

You can copy components that you have already created and reuse them in other portions of the simulation process flow.

You can insert copied components into a process flow “by copy,” creating actual duplicates of the components. This method creates an independent version of that component. Once created, there is no link between the two components. Although they are exactly the same at the time they are created, you can alter one without making changes to the other, as desired.

This option is useful if you are making single-use copies of components, and the copies need to contain the essence of the original component but must not affect the original when they are changed.

Alternatively, you can insert copied components “by reference,” creating Reference components that are “linked” to the original components, which will be submodels (the original component appears to have been copied because the Design Gateway redisplays it under each reference). For information about submodels and referenced models, see Using Submodels and Referenced Models.

  1. From the Design Gateway, select a model.
  2. Right-click the component that you want to copy, and select Copy.

    Tip: You can also click the Copy button on the toolbar.

  3. Right-click the simulation process flow arrow that represents the location for the copied component, and select Paste Copy.

    Tip: You can also click the Paste Copy button on the toolbar.

    Isight copies the component to the simulation process flow. Any changes made to either component are not reflected in the other component.

    Note: If the Save mappings through Cut/Copy/Paste preference option is selected, mappings between the parameters of the copied component and its parent or sibling components will be replicated for the pasted copy. For more information about Preference options, see Setting Preferences.

  4. If desired, save the model.