Accessing the Job Database Interface

You can access the Job Database interface from the Design Gateway, from the Runtime Gateway, and from a command line.

This task shows you how to:

Access the Job Database Interface from the Design Gateway

You can access the Job Database interface from the Design Gateway.

  1. From the Design Gateway, do one of the following:
    • Select View > Job Database.
    • Select File > Open > Open From > Job Database.
  2. If desired, click Close to exit the Job Database interface.

Access the Job Database Interface from the Runtime Gateway

You can access the Job Database interface from the Runtime Gateway.

  1. From the Runtime Gateway, do one of the following:
    • Select File > Open Results > Open From > Job Database.
    • Click the button on the Runtime Gateway toolbar.
    • Select Jobs > View Job Database.
  2. If desired, click Close to exit the Job Database interface.

Access the Job Database Interface from a Command Line

You can access the Job Database interface from a command line to open the Job Database in Standalone mode.

  1. From the command line:
    • On Windows platforms: jobmanager.exe (located in the <Isight_install_directory>\<operating_system>\code\bin\ directory) .
    • On Linux platforms: jobmanager (located in the <Isight_install_directory>/<operating_system>/code/bin/ directory).
  2. If desired, click Close to exit the Job Database interface.