Setting Parameter Preferences in the Database

You can set default preferences for adding parameters, adjusting invalid mappings, and specifying the decimal separator.

See Also
About Saving Parameter Values to the Database
  1. From the Design Gateway or Runtime Gateway Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Expand Gateway, and click Parameters.
  3. Click Consistency, and set the following options, as desired:
    Auto copy child parameters to parent Automatically add any parameter added to a child component (a component within a process component) to the parent component. For example, if a Calculator component is added within a Monte Carlo component and a parameter is added to the Calculator component, Isight adds the parameter to the Monte Carlo component.
    Auto map matching parameters Create an automatic mapping between two components that have the same name and comparable properties. This automatic mapping occurs only if the components are siblings (share the same parent component) or have a parent-child relationship. By default, this option is selected.
    Save mappings through Cut/Copy/Paste Automatically place a record onto the clipboard of all the mappings between the parameters of a component and those of that component’s parent and sibling components when you cut/copy a component. If the component is pasted, the records will be converted into new mappings on the corresponding parameters (if any) of the pasted component’s new parent and sibling components.
    Adjust parameter modes for invalid mappings Automatically adjust the mapping when you create a mapping from one parameter to another and the parameters modes are invalid for mapping. Isight can automatically adjust one of the parameters to be “in/out,” making the mapping valid. For example, if you map from an input parameter of one component to an input parameter of a component within that simulation process flow, Isight can change the mode of the first parameter to be “in/out.” Therefore, the first parameter’s value can be properly mapped to the second component.
    Warn when creating dissimilar aggregate mappings Warn you if you create a mapping between two aggregate parameters that have different contents (i.e., the members in one aggregate parameter do not all exist in the other aggregate parameter). While all members that exist in each aggregate (by name) are still mapped, this warning message shows you the aggregates that have different contents in cases where the mapping was intentional. By default, this option is selected.
    TypeValue, Mode Handle changes that are made to a parameter that is mapped to/from other parameters. Isight can automatically adjust the corresponding attributes of the mapped parameters to maintain consistency. For example, if you change a parameter’s datatype from real to string, any mappings to/from other real parameters are invalid until those parameters are also changed to string. You may also want corresponding changes made when a value is changed or the mode is changed. You can select whether you want Isight to Always automatically make the changes to mapped parameters, to Never automatically make the changes (forcing a manual change), or to Prompt you before automatically making changes to allow you to cancel the changes.
    Array Resizability Handle the Dimensions are resizable option (available when creating or editing an array parameter) when you map an array parameter to another array parameter, and the setting of this option does not match (i.e., one is a fixed size and one is resizable). You can select whether you want Isight to Always make the two settings match, to Never make the two settings match (leaving them unchanged), or to Prompt you to make a decision on a case-by-case basis.
    Array Dimensions Handle array parameter behavior between two mapped array parameters when an array size is altered. You can select whether you want Isight to Always have the array size updated in the other parameter, to Never update the size in the other parameter, or to Prompt you to update the array size on a case-by-case basis.
  4. Click Display, and set the following options, as desired:
    How many significant digits The number of significant digits that you want to use for displaying real values in Isight. While Isight always maintains the full precision of the values, the full precision is often not meaningful when interpreting results. The presentation of the data in Isight can be simplified by reducing the number of significant digits to display. Examples are shown on the Display tab to illustrate how changing the setting of this preference affects the way numbers are displayed. When editing values, you are still presented with the number in full precision.
    Use default for locale as the decimal separator How decimals appear in Isight. Isight supports full internationalization. By default, Isight uses the decimal setting from the locale in which the operating system is currently running. However, if you are running in a locale that uses a “, Comma” for the decimal, but you still want the decimal to appear as a “. Dot” (or vice-versa), you can explicitly set the decimal separator that Isight uses. This setting is useful for globalized organizations that run their computers on different locales (in different countries), yet want everyone to use a consistent decimal separator. By default, default for locale is selected.
    Note: To simplify the presentation of values, Isight also changes values to be presented using scientific notation (e.g., 1.23E7 instead of 12300000) when the value is greater than 1E7 or less than 1E-4.
    When displaying a parameter show the Display Name/Name Show either the Display Name or the Name when displaying parameters. By default, Display Name is selected.

    Sometimes parameter names are complex, which makes them difficult to identify in visuals (e.g., tables, graphs, etc.). Shorter, more manageable names are easier to read. Therefore, you can select Display Name to display a more manageable name when parameter names are shown. Display names do not affect the model. Display names appear in graph templates on the Design Gateway, in visuals on the Runtime Gateway, and on the History and Data Analysis tabs on the Runtime Gateway. You can add a display name when you create a new parameter or when you are working with parameters on the Design Gateway and Runtime Gateway Parameters tabs. For more information, see Adding New Parameters.

    If you select Name and enter a display name on the Parameters tab, the display name appears only as headings for graph templates, graphs, and tables.

    Globally default to grouping parameters by their parent component Group parameters by component in some component editors. You can turn this option on/off in the component editor by right-clicking in the parameter table and deselecting Group Parameters. This preference option sets only the initial value. If you make a change in a component editor, that setting overrides this option and is saved as the new preference. For more information, refer to the Isight Component Guide.
    Do NOT group those parameters associated with the currently selected component Group parameters owned only by other components and not the component with which you are currently working.
  5. Click Creation, and set the following options, as desired:
    Save general parameter values to the database at runtime Save new parameter values to the results database. If the option is not selected, parameters that are not saved are not displayed on the Parameters or History tabs on the Runtime Gateway during and after execution. By default, this option is selected. For more information about saving parameter values to the database, see About Saving Parameter Values to the Database.
    Save File parameters to the database at runtime Save new file parameters attached to components to the database. File parameters are often used for temporary work, so it is often desirable to not store the information for these files in the database. During and after execution, file parameters that are not saved will not be displayed on the Parameters or History tabs on the Runtime Gateway. By default, this option is set to not save file parameters to the database at runtime.
    Suppress values of new Input and In/Out parameters Suppress the default values of new parameters created in the Parameters tab or by component editors. This allows the new parameters to explicitly provide meaningful values in the model or to enter values when the model is run.

    By default, each new parameter is given a standard default value (e.g., 0.0 for type Real) or is assigned a default value by the component during configuration—for example, from an input parse template or an Excel spreadsheet. These values are often irrelevant because they are overridden by mappings, but the model user may not know this and may misconstrue the default values as significant. In some cases these values are actually inappropriate and should be changed when the model is run.

    If the option Suppress values of new Input and In/Out parameters is selected, parameters that have no default value are shown in the Parameters tab with blank cells in the Value column. If a user attempts to run a model having input or in/out parameters with no default values (or mappings), Isight refuses to start the job unless values are provided for these parameters.

  6. Click OK to save your changes and to close the Preferences dialog box.