Setting Files and Directories Preferences

You can define directories relative to the model directory and whether or not to show the file encoding when working with file parameters.

  1. From the Design Gateway or Runtime Gateway Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Click Files and Directories, and set the following options, as desired.
    Define files and directories relative to the model directory Determine if you want file and directory locations that are part of the model configuration to be defined relative to the directory that the model resides in by default. This option is useful when you want to develop a model with a single directory that contains all the resources for that model, and you want to be able to move the directory to another location and still have the model execute with few or no changes required. Not all components or other features in Isight will necessarily use this preference when file/directory references are defined; some manual reconfiguration of the model might still be necessary when the model directory is moved to a new location.
    Show File type encoding on the Files tab Display the type of encoding used when reading/writing a file parameter. The information appears on the Design Gateway Files tab. You specify the type of coding when you create a file parameter. For more information, see About Encoding.
  3. Define the symbolic names and actual local directory names for the Design Gateway in the lower portion of the dialog box. Isight’s shared file system allows Isight to adjust how it references a shared file. This adjustment is necessary because the shared or network file systems are often named differently on different computers. Instead of using an absolute path, which will be incorrect on some computers, this option allows the file to be referenced as a path relative to a symbolic root directory.

    On each computer, the symbolic root directory is set to the location where that computer mounts the shared file system. Each time the file is referenced by the Design Gateway, the local symbolic root value is used to build the absolute path to the file that is appropriate for that computer.

    For more information, see About Parameters and File Parameters.

  4. For Linux users, click the File Types tab.

    You can specify the default viewer for specified file extensions (e.g., odb, html). If no viewer is specified and you attempt to view a file, you will be prompted to enter the path to the viewer. Isight saves the path that you enter as the preference for your default viewer.

  5. Click OK to save your changes and to close the Preferences dialog box.