About Reports

Isight can generate a report containing information about the currently loaded model.

This page discusses:

Report Generation

You can configure Isight to control when a report is generated.

You can create a report prior to model execution as described in Creating a Report Prior to Model Execution. Reports created prior to model execution will not contain any results information (i.e., job summary, graphs).

You can also configure Isight to automatically generate a report after model execution (see Automatically Generating a Report after Model Execution); such a report will include results and graphs.

Report Content

The type of data presented in the report depends on how the model was constructed.

The following sections are typical of most reports:

  • Title page

  • Table of Contents

  • Overview

  • Sim-flow (diagram of the simulation process flow)

  • Separate section for each process component that includes the following:

    DescriptionShort description of the process component
    ParametersList of the parameters associated with the process component, list of the aggregate variables, and a table displaying the file parameter name and mode
    Quality of the Approximation UsedA table that displays the average, maximum, root mean square, and R-squared, against each output parameter (response)
    Problem FormulationList of the parameters used for the problem formulation
    History TableThe history information from the History tab (divided into smaller subsets if the run includes large design variables)

In addition, reports generated after model execution include a summary and a maximum number of five graphs. Graphs defined on the Graph Templates tab in the Design Gateway are included in the report. The process components in the simulation process flow determine the graph type. The following process components will produce graphs in the report:

  • DOE – Pareto graphs for responses
  • SDI and Monte Carlo – probability graphs for responses
  • Optimization or Exploration – history graphs for objectives (up to 10 graphs)
  • Monte Carlo Simulation – probability distribution graphs for Monte Carlo responses (up to 10 graphs)
  • Loop – history graph for the condition parameter

Report Formats

You can determine the format of the report. You can choose from a Microsoft Word document, a text file, or an HTML file. However, you can generate Word-based reports only if the system running Isight has Word installed. If you select this option on a system that does not have Word installed or on a Linux system, Isight creates an HTML report by default.

Important: To generate a report in Microsoft Word, you must have Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 or later installed on your system. You can verify that you have this feature installed by running Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel and verifying that Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 (or later) appears in the list of currently installed programs. You can install it for free from Microsoft’s Web site (www.microsoft.com/downloads).

Handling of Graphs within Reports

For Microsoft Word generated reports, all graphs are Excel objects. You can double-click any graph to edit it or to access the data in Excel (Excel 2000 or later is required). If Excel is not installed, the graphs are included as images. For HTML and text generated reports, an image is produced in addition to a text file of the data.