Setting SSH Grid Plug-in Options

You can control protocols, configure the host, and set the working directory. It is recommended that you review the SSH grid plug-in limitations before using the SSH grid plug-in.

Before you begin:

Before you begin working with the SSH grid plug-in, there are some general requirements that are helpful to know: Your computer/network must be configured to allow remote login without a password. The exact mechanism depends on the protocol used, but it should be either an SSH key agent for the SSH protocols or the usual.rhosts/hosts.equiv syntax for rsh. If you are prompted for a password, the command will fail.

  1. Double-click the OS Command component icon .
    The OS Command Component Editor appears.
  2. From the OS Command Component Editor, click the Grid tab.
  3. From the Grid system list, select SSH.
  4. In the Remote Shell and Copy list, select one of the following:
    Ssh and scp (Open SSH) Dispatch the OS Command from a local Linux system to a remote Linux system whenever security has to be maintained (e.g., when crossing a firewall). Secure Shell (Ssh) is a remote login protocol that uses public-key encryption to authenticate users and secure their login sessions. Secure Copy (scp) is the corresponding file-transfer protocol. Open SSH is a commonly-used open-source implementation of these protocols.
    SSH and scp (PuTTY) Dispatch the OS Command from a local Windows system to a remote Linux system whenever security has to be maintained (e.g., when crossing a firewall). PuTTY is a commonly-used open-source implementation of the ssh/scp protocols made specifically for Windows.
    Rsh and rcp Dispatch the OS Command from a local Linux system to a remote Linux system whenever security is not a concern (e.g., when both are behind the same firewall). Remote Shell (Rsh) and Remote Copy (rcp) are standard remote login and file-copy protocols that are available on all Linux systems (except where deliberately removed or replaced). These protocols are fast, but they are not secure.

    Note: The SSH option does not support remote login and/or file-transfer to a Windows system.

  5. If desired, enter any Extra (SSH, PuTTY, or RSH) Arguments.

    Each remote-login tool has an associated set of command line arguments, some of which can be used to customize how this OS Command is dispatched. For example, you can use the -l argument with any of these tools to force it to log in as a specified user. This is useful when the OS Command is dispatched to a SIMULIA Execution Engine station that has the Run As feature disabled.

  6. Enter the Remote Host.

    This is the network name of the remote Linux system on which the OS Command will run.

  7. Enter the Working Directory Name.

    Each OS Command needs a scratch directory to store files read and/or written by the command program or shell script. Typically, this directory is created automatically when the OS Command is run locally or under a SIMULIA Execution Engine station. However, because the plug-in runs the OS Command outside of a SIMULIA Execution Engine, you must supply a working directory. If the named directory does not exist, Isight creates the directory before the OS Command is run and deletes it after the OS Command runs.

  8. From the list under the Working Directory Name text box, select one of the following:
    • Run in separate scratch directories under working directory. It is recommended that you use this setting if the OS Command will be run in parallel.

    • Run directly under working directory.

  9. Click OK to save your changes and to close the OS Command Component Editor.