Uninstalling the FLEXnet License Server

You can use the Windows Programs and Features control panel or the silent uninstaller batch files to remove FLEXnet licensing.

This task shows you how to:


The silent uninstallers allow you to automate these tasks from another batch/script file. The silent uninstallers are available on Windows and Linux.

The uninstallers may be unable to remove some files; for example, files that are open in another application. In addition, the uninstallers remove only directories and files that were written by the installers. You may want to delete any remaining directories and files manually.

You should create a backup of any files you wish to keep, such as your SIMULIA license file (typically named abaquslm.lic or simulialm.lic) and the FLEXnet licensing server debug log file (typically named simulialm.log).

Uninstall FLEXnet on Windows

The FLEXnet license server can be removed in either of the following ways:
  • Use the Programs and Features control panel to Uninstall a program.
  • To use the FLEXnet silent uninstaller, execute the following batch file from the command line or from another batch/script file:


Uninstall FLEXnet on Linux

  1. Log into the license server host machine as root or as the owner of the license server.
  2. Before you can remove the license server and license files, you must terminate the license server using the FLEXnet utility lmdown.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Run the silent uninstaller with the following shell script:

    • Manually delete the FLEXnet files using the following commands:

      cd <flex_install_dir>
      rm -rf License
  4. Remove the license server restart command from the host machine's system startup file.